
Posts Tagged ‘Github’

How to logout of GitHub Copilot in VS2022

January 13th, 2024 1 comment

If, like me, you have more than one Github account, (one for work and one private), then you might want to switch accounts when using Visual Studio

My private account does not have CoPilot, so it has a little fit when I try and open visual studio.

Now if you click on the link … it takes me to Github and, it doesn’t matter what I do, my credentials are not changed from my private account to my work account.

The solution is simply to force Github to forget about you

  • Close Visual Studio
  • Probably Close VS Code as well … not sure
  • Go to %localappdata%\github-copilot, (your local app data folder, something like C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\github-copilot)
  • Delete the files hosts.json and versions.json
  • Make sure you are logged in the correct Github account, (with Edge or Chrome or whatever).
  • Restart Visual Studio, you should get logged in auto-magically into your ‘correct’ github account, otherwise you can just login when prompted.

And that’s all, if you are not sure about deleting files you can just rename the folder “github-copilot” to something else, and if things go wrong just rename it back.

If you are not sure or comfortable with deleting, renaming and so on … don’t do it. … you probably should not be developing either in that case, but that’s another problem I guess.

Using Github from command line

June 11th, 2016 Comments off

This assumes that you have all the permissions needed to access your repo, (passwords and so on).

Start Git Shell and navigate to your local repo.

Create a branch

git checkout -b <branch-name>
git push <remote-name> <branch-name>

In the case of github the remote name is ‘origin’


Add your changes to the branch

git add .

The ‘.’ means ‘everything’ that was changed.

You can use ‘status’ to check what needs to be staged, (or what has been staged).

git status

Commit branch

git commit -m "You message here"

Push branch
The first time you need to tell where you are pushing this to.

git push --set-upstream <remote-name> <branch-name>

The afterwards you just need to do…

git push

Delete your branch

To remotely delete it

git push <remote-name> --delete <branch-name>

To locally delete it

git branch --delete <branch-name>


Categories: Cheat-sheet, development Tags: ,

Installing MyOddWeb Classifier

November 13th, 2015 Comments off

To install Myoddweb classifier simply follow the following steps

  • Download the setup from Github (will open new window).
  • Make sure that Outlook is closed.
  • Make sure that you have .NET version 4.5 or later (will open new window).
  • Run the setup
    Depending on the version on windows you are using you will get a ‘warning’ asking you to confirm if you want to install the app.
  • Start Outlook

After the install is complete nothing will really look any different.

This is because you will need to ‘train’ your classifier to match your own requirements.