
Posts Tagged ‘development’

How to logout of GitHub Copilot in VS2022

January 13th, 2024 1 comment

If, like me, you have more than one Github account, (one for work and one private), then you might want to switch accounts when using Visual Studio

My private account does not have CoPilot, so it has a little fit when I try and open visual studio.

Now if you click on the link … it takes me to Github and, it doesn’t matter what I do, my credentials are not changed from my private account to my work account.

The solution is simply to force Github to forget about you

  • Close Visual Studio
  • Probably Close VS Code as well … not sure
  • Go to %localappdata%\github-copilot, (your local app data folder, something like C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\github-copilot)
  • Delete the files hosts.json and versions.json
  • Make sure you are logged in the correct Github account, (with Edge or Chrome or whatever).
  • Restart Visual Studio, you should get logged in auto-magically into your ‘correct’ github account, otherwise you can just login when prompted.

And that’s all, if you are not sure about deleting files you can just rename the folder “github-copilot” to something else, and if things go wrong just rename it back.

If you are not sure or comfortable with deleting, renaming and so on … don’t do it. … you probably should not be developing either in that case, but that’s another problem I guess.

Install Ubuntu 9 on Virtual PC 2007 – part trois

September 22nd, 2009 1 comment

There is one last problem with the Ubuntu install, when you update the Kernel it will remove the noreplace-paravirt vga=771 that you added.

This is probably because Ubuntu assumes you made a mistake. Whatever the reason you need to update the menu.lst file.

First of all lets make sure that you read all the previous articles so we are all talking about the same thing.

  1. Install Ubuntu 9 on Virtual PC 2007.
  2. Update the menu.lst after install.
  3. Update the menu.lst again after updating the kernel.

From time to time Ubuntu will update various software, (or you can do it your self,  System > Administration > Update Manager. Any one of those update might be a brand new kernel update, in that case you will need to edit the menu all over again.

  1. Open the terminal , (‘Applications>Accessories>Terminal’)
  2. At the cursor type ‘gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst‘, (without the quotes), press enter.
  3. Enter your password if you have to.
  4. Look for the first boot option
  5. look for the entry that mentions Kernel’.
  6. Add ‘noreplace-paravirt‘ at the end of it.
  7. Save the file
  8. Close the editor.
  9. Tell Ubuntu that you changed the file:
  10. Reboot and everything should be back to normal … until you update again.

NB: If you cannot boot at all, (because your screen is black or throwing some errors), simply follow the same instructions in the first article on booting up Ubuntu.

NB2: If you still have a question, feel free to go to the forum and I’ll try to help as much as I can.

Install Ubuntu 9 on Virtual PC 2007 – part deux

July 4th, 2009 10 comments

Ok, so you installed Ubuntu 9.04 on Virtual PC 2007, and it now asks you to reboot, (or you already tried to reboot, cursed me, and came back here to see if you missed something).
If you are lucky, everything works fine, if not you cannot see anything or you get a bunch of errors. This is because, once again, Ubuntu is trying to guess your virtual screen resolution and it is guessing it wrong.

So you need to edit the ‘boot’ file once and for all so that from now on it boots into the right screen.

You need to do 2 things, first you need to edit the boot, one more time to get into Ubuntu and then you will need to update the boot file so that you no longer have to do this again.

So, reboot Ubuntu, when you see something like ‘grub loading…‘, press esc and you will see a menu.

Select the first line, it will say something along the lines of ‘Ubuntu 9.0.4, Kernel …’. The other lines should say almost the same with extra words like, ‘Recovery mode‘ and ‘memtest86+‘ don’t choose those.
Press ‘e’ to edit the boot commands.

Select the line that says something like “Kernel …“, (normally the first one, but sometimes the second line).
Press ‘e’ again, (to edit that line).
At the end of that line simply add


Press ‘enter‘.
Press ‘b’ to start the boot sequence.

Now you are back in business, Ununtu is up and running again.
The last thing you need to do is make sure the changes you just did are saved so you don’t have to do the same thing over and over.

So, once Ubuntu is up and running select the menu option, ‘Applications>Accessories>Terminal’ and you should get a white window with a blinking cursor.
Next to that cursor type the following, ‘gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst‘, press enter, give your password.

At the end of the line that says ‘Kernel‘ add ‘noreplace-paravirt‘, (without the quotes of course).
Save the file.
Close the editor

Back at the command prompt simply update the grub, (in other words tell Ubuntu that you changed the file).

And that’s all, you can now reboot into your Virtual PC Ubuntu and all should be fine.

Note: If like me you are lazy and you don’t want to type everything, simply copy the text, place your cursor where you want the text to go and in Virtual PC select ‘Edit>Paste‘ and it will ‘type’ everything for you.

<Edit>Have a look at the third post to help you handle updates.

modprobe s

Tackling the map issue

April 7th, 2009 2 comments

I have finally started working on the map issue we have been having. The problem is that the map is perfect when it comes to looking far away but it is blurry, (at best when looking at it up close)

In courseplanner version 3 the map was actually a set of points of the world that was drawn. The result was a far from picture perfect image but it worked rather well when zooming in really close, (about as close as an airport for example).
So I am going to re-add the outlining and try to ‘marry’ the NASA photo realistic image with the outline drawing.

Another option is to offer the 600Mb map of the world to the users. Maybe ship it to them via CD or something, (maybe allow a download?) This will partly solve the problem and make the image even more realistic, (the definition is 50M or something like that. So the map should be close to ‘perfect’ I hope.

But, before I do that, let me finish the outline. I see that a few flight planners offer the outline to simplify the view, so let me also try it.

As I am on leave for the next few days I will try and get it all done in 3 or 4 days.

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