
Archive for November, 2015

Include Google test to your vs2015 project

November 21st, 2015 Comments off

To include Google test to your visual studio project you just need to follow the steps below

  1. Download Googletest from Github and copy all the file in it’s own folder.
    You only need the folder called “googletest” other files are for github and so on.
  2. Create a library
    1. Add a new empty project
      Right click the solution, Add > New Project …, “Win 32 project”
    2. Give it a name “googletest”
    3. Make sure that the directory is relative to your project, (the default is somewhere weird and wonderful in your %appdata% I think).
    4. Select the option “Static Library”, “empty project” and it should have no files in it.
    5. Uncheck the “Precompiled header” and press “Finish”
    6. Add and to that project, (they are located in the googletest\src\ folder of the files you just downloaded.
    7. Compile that project, and note where the googletest.lib file is created.
  3. In your test project,
    1. Right click > Properties > C++ > General
    2. In the part for “Additional include libraries” add the path to the google test folder and include folder.
      For example, “..\googletest\include;..\googletest\”.
    3. There might already be a folder called “%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)”.
    4. Right click > Properties > Linker > General
    5. In the part for “”Additional Library directories” add the directory where the googletest.lib file was created, (the library, not the file).
    6. Finaly, add a reference, (Right Click the project > References and add googletest).

Be sure to set the references and include libraries for all your configurations, “Release”, “Debug”, x32, x64 and so on.

NB: Of course you can just build the lib and include it as a library, but that way when Googletest does an update, you just need to replace the code, and life is good again!

Categories: development Tags: , ,

How does Myoddweb email classifier work

November 13th, 2015 Comments off

Myoddweb email classifier is a Naive Bayes classifier, in very simple terms, it classifies emails based on your previous classifications.

In other words, the more you classify something, the better it is at classifying emails.

So, out of the box, Myoddweb classifier cannot classify anything, you need to teach it what to do.

The classification is also called “Training”, you are training your engine where emails should go to, or, in what category they should be moved to.


A category is where the emails should be moved to, you could have a category for “Spam”, “Personal” or “Work”.

You should create as many categories as you need, maybe 5 or 6, and then select emails and ‘classify’ them to each categories.

If you selected your categories properly, the emails will slowly start to be automatically classified as they arrive.


Magnets help the engine to classify emails, for example, you know that emails from your wife, (from her email address), must all go to the ‘Personal’ category.
When the engine receives such an email, it will automatically flag it as “Personal” and learn from its contents.

Installing MyOddWeb Classifier

November 13th, 2015 Comments off

To install Myoddweb classifier simply follow the following steps

  • Download the setup from Github (will open new window).
  • Make sure that Outlook is closed.
  • Make sure that you have .NET version 4.5 or later (will open new window).
  • Run the setup
    Depending on the version on windows you are using you will get a ‘warning’ asking you to confirm if you want to install the app.
  • Start Outlook

After the install is complete nothing will really look any different.

This is because you will need to ‘train’ your classifier to match your own requirements.