If have some unitests in Visual Studio 2015 or 2013 but you cannot see them in your “Test Explorer window”
If you look in your output window, (under “Show output from:” > “test)
“An exception was thrown while initializing part “Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestWindow.UI.TestWindowToolWindowControl”.“
The solution is just to delete the VS2013/VS2015 cache folder, located either in
For VS2013, or
For VS2015
To include Google test to your visual studio project you just need to follow the steps below
- Download Googletest from Github and copy all the file in it’s own folder.
You only need the folder called “googletest” other files are for github and so on.
- Create a library
- Add a new empty project
Right click the solution, Add > New Project …, “Win 32 project”
- Give it a name “googletest”
- Make sure that the directory is relative to your project, (the default is somewhere weird and wonderful in your %appdata% I think).
- Select the option “Static Library”, “empty project” and it should have no files in it.
- Uncheck the “Precompiled header” and press “Finish”
- Add gtest_main.cc and gtest-all.cc to that project, (they are located in the googletest\src\ folder of the files you just downloaded.
- Compile that project, and note where the googletest.lib file is created.
- In your test project,
- Right click > Properties > C++ > General
- In the part for “Additional include libraries” add the path to the google test folder and include folder.
For example, “..\googletest\include;..\googletest\”.
- There might already be a folder called “%(AdditionalIncludeDirectories)”.
- Right click > Properties > Linker > General
- In the part for “”Additional Library directories” add the directory where the googletest.lib file was created, (the library, not the file).
- Finaly, add a reference, (Right Click the project > References and add googletest).
Be sure to set the references and include libraries for all your configurations, “Release”, “Debug”, x32, x64 and so on.
NB: Of course you can just build the lib and include it as a library, but that way when Googletest does an update, you just need to replace the code, and life is good again!
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