
Posts Tagged ‘Magnets’

How does Myoddweb email classifier work

November 13th, 2015 Comments off

Myoddweb email classifier is a Naive Bayes classifier, in very simple terms, it classifies emails based on your previous classifications.

In other words, the more you classify something, the better it is at classifying emails.

So, out of the box, Myoddweb classifier cannot classify anything, you need to teach it what to do.

The classification is also called “Training”, you are training your engine where emails should go to, or, in what category they should be moved to.


A category is where the emails should be moved to, you could have a category for “Spam”, “Personal” or “Work”.

You should create as many categories as you need, maybe 5 or 6, and then select emails and ‘classify’ them to each categories.

If you selected your categories properly, the emails will slowly start to be automatically classified as they arrive.


Magnets help the engine to classify emails, for example, you know that emails from your wife, (from her email address), must all go to the ‘Personal’ category.
When the engine receives such an email, it will automatically flag it as “Personal” and learn from its contents.