
Archive for February 27th, 2016

Released piger 0.3.2

February 27th, 2016 Comments off

I released the first version of Piger on Github after moving from

This new release is pretty much the same as the previous one just brought to the 21st century …

The changes are

  1. Python 3.5.1
  2. Python is not required on the host machine, (something that was causing a break before!)
  3. Lua 5.2
  4. x64 or x86 build, (not for memory reasons, but for env. variable reasons).
  5. Moved from, (I added a to redirect to github). Please Google for some well documented reasons to move away from them…

Please try it and tell me if you see something cool that should be added.

I am also looking for cool scripts to be added to my list, so please, send them my way!

Categories: Myoddweb Piger Tags: , , ,

Embed Python in your C++ application without Python installed on guest machine

February 27th, 2016 Comments off

For my Piger application, I wanted my C++ app to parse Python scripts but I quickly became aware of the fact that the user must have Python installed on their machine, not only that they needed the same version as mine, (version 3.5).

The normal call would be something like…

But that throws an error when the user does not have Python installed.
And if they have an older version installed, it _might_ work, but the scripts might not work as expected.

The solution is to embed the Python you want to run in your app.

  1. Go to the Python website and download the Embeddable zip file for your app, (x64 or x86)
  2. Extract the located inside that zip file
  3. Copy it somewhere where it can be referenced.
  4. Add the code below.

Now your app will work using version Python 3.5.1